Exercise: because meds and doctors alone won’t do it

This is the time when everyone resolves to put more exercise into their lives. This is especially important for me, relaxationexerciseas someone with depression and anxiety.

I know. It’s hard to exercise when you think you can’t even get out of bed. But if I’ve learned one thing, it’s this: recovery means pushing myself to do a lot of things I don’t want to do. Meds and doctors alone won’t do it.

I aim for a half hour of exercise a day. Sometimes I make it. Sometimes I don’t. When whenever I exercise, I DO feel at least a little better. Does it cure my depression and anxiety? No. But it makes my “black dogs” just a little more manageable.

In 2015, I want to use this drug even more than I already do.


4 responses to “Exercise: because meds and doctors alone won’t do it

  • cindynunn

    Good post, Alan. Let me alos add that sometimes the medications doctors push on us can eventually steal our ability to exercise. I always recommend natural methods over pharmaceutical ones. Sadly, I learned this lesson too late.


    • Alan Kravitz

      Thanks for your comment, Cindy. I am glad that natural methods work for you. When it comes to meds, my motto is that people need to find out for themselves what works for them. For me, natural methods haven’t worked. But that’s just me.


      • cindynunn

        Alan, I do agree with you regarding finding out for yourself what works. I have taken beta-blockers, Prozac and other medications without ill-affect. My main concern is doctors pushing drugs that are obviously causing some serious damage but the pharmaceutical companies are exempt from lawsuits when the medication is a generic.

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  • Alan Kravitz

    You do bring up a very valid point, Cindy. For me, there have definitely been some pharmaceutical miss-steps along the way. Last year, when I was first diagnosed with anxiety disorder, I was prescribed a medication that wasn’t even designed for anxiety. It was designed to help post-nasal drip. The doctor swore that they “just discovered” that it works “wonders” with anxiety. I was too far out of it to even question her. I started taking the med. While I did not catch a cold, it did nothing for my anxiety. I had to fight to get off of it. The paradox is that there are times when we do have to fight for what’s best for us–even when we don’t feel like fighting. The good thing is that there are a lot of resources and information out there that can be useful.


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